Monday, January 31, 2011

Why The Poet Tree?

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog, The Poet Tree! This is a new blog of mine where I will be sharing TONS of my poems with you! I named this blog The Poet Tree for many reasons. I LOVE to write poetry. I LOVE trees. Bada-Bing-Bada-Boom and there you have it! it doesn't make much since. But I thought it was catchy :) Also if you haven't noticed, When you say Poet sounds like poetry! And poetry is what this blog is all about!

My poetry talks a lot about hope in the midst of pain and sorrow, joy, and faith!
When I write poetry it usually takes form into somewhat of a story sometimes.
My prayer is that my poetry will shine a glimmer of hope in your heart, and put a spring in your step! (Why do I sound like I'm 90?) Can someone say, "GitterBug"? Rofl. Anyway! (Yes my poetry can be very random've probably noticed how random I can be even now). Enjoy the blog!

-Tina R.

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